The First Presbyterian Home Goods Community Pantry is open on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Items offered to the community will include the following household essentials: Paper towels (2-pack), toilet paper (4-pack), tissues (small pack), trash bags (15-20 count), dish soap (one bottle), laundry…Read More
We are calling all members, visitors, and friends of First Presbyterian Church to a time of prayer for our congregation as we discern the future of First Presbyterian. This will include the provision of prayer guides and a series of events focused on God’s call to us as First Presbyterian Church in…Read More
The Congregational Care Committee would like to enlist your help with our coffee hour after worship. We need volunteers to make coffee to be ready at 10:45am and bring it to the sanctuary, arrange cookies, etc., put out napkins and plates and clean up afterwards. All coffee, cookies and paper goods…Read More
We will have a lunch in the fellowship hall following worship on Sunday, March 16. Barbeque and drinks will be provided. Members are asked to bring a covered dish and/or a dessert. Please RSVP to Heidi at, or 540-886-0704. All are welcome!
Over the next few Sundays (March 16–April 13), we will be collecting donations to support a new building facility at Massanetta Springs Conference Center. Their campaign, “Building a Place for All”, will be supported by your Session by matching your gifts dollar for dollar to maximize your generosit…Read More